Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns

Diplomatic Office  Apps, Business with Applications for iPad and Mobile phon, video podcasts


Apps for ipod, iphone, QR code, mobile phone websites, web television online, video podcasts for mobile phone, iBook, e-mazagazin, e-news
Apps for ipod, iphone, QR code, mobile phone websites, web television online, video podcasts for mobile phone, iBook, e-mazagazin, e-news
Apps for ipod, iphone, QR code, mobile phone websites, web television online, video podcasts for mobile phone, iBook, e-mazagazin, e-news

Diplomatic List

King Charles III


Diplomatic TV


Luxury and Lifestyle
















Almost without exception, the number one reason given by inward investors coming to live in the UK as to why they chose the UK as their primary place of business, is the independent education system in the UK.

This of course applies to our world-renowned senior schools but also to the excellent education available from nursery schools and to primary and junior schools. We are also fortunate that such schools exist across the entire breadth of the UK as more investors are acquiring operations or setting up enterprises in almost every region of the UK


Boarding Schools Association

British Education Research Association

National Association of Independent Schools

National Association of Private Schools















Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns
Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns
Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns

Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns

Diplomatic Office

Tel: 07542 923461

Tel: 0207 1275248






