Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns

Diplomatic Office  Apps, Business with Applications for iPad and Mobile phon, video podcasts


Apps for ipod, iphone, QR code, mobile phone websites, web television online, video podcasts for mobile phone, iBook, e-mazagazin, e-news
Apps for ipod, iphone, QR code, mobile phone websites, web television online, video podcasts for mobile phone, iBook, e-mazagazin, e-news
Apps for ipod, iphone, QR code, mobile phone websites, web television online, video podcasts for mobile phone, iBook, e-mazagazin, e-news

Diplomatic List

King Charles III


Diplomatic TV


Luxury and Lifestyle
















It is of no surprise that the real highlights of life in London and the other major cities of the UK are the many lifestyle activities that allow inward investors and their families to fully enjoy their stay whilst in the UK.

The first class retail sector in the UK conjures up images of Oxford Street, Bond Street and Knightsbridge in London and this is indeed a splendid advertisement for the very best in opulence that can be enjoyed by inward investors. But there are many more places and and services that cater for such high and ultra-high net worth individuals.

Executive transport, 5 star hotels, theatre, galleries and leading restaurants cater for all tastes and nationalities and the UK holds the number one spot for the services and products that can make a foreign investors stay in the UK a happy one as well as commercially successful


British Hospitality Association

The British Jewellers Association

The National Association of Jewellers

United Kingdom Vineyards Association















Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns
Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns
Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns

Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns

Diplomatic Office

Tel: +44 (0) 7599 582186






