Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns

Diplomatic Office  Apps, Business with Applications for iPad and Mobile phon, video podcasts


Apps for ipod, iphone, QR code, mobile phone websites, web television online, video podcasts for mobile phone, iBook, e-mazagazin, e-news
Apps for ipod, iphone, QR code, mobile phone websites, web television online, video podcasts for mobile phone, iBook, e-mazagazin, e-news
Apps for ipod, iphone, QR code, mobile phone websites, web television online, video podcasts for mobile phone, iBook, e-mazagazin, e-news

Diplomatic List

King Charles III


Diplomatic TV


Luxury and Lifestyle
















The life sciences sector is critical to the UK economy, accounting for 183,000 UK jobs and with a total annual turnover of £56 billion. It is underpinned by a long term industrial strategy, and since 2014 has been championed by a Minister for Life

The UK Government works to bring high quality inward investment into the UK, from the earliest R&D collaborations through to clinical trials, commercial and manufacturing operations and partnerships. It offers inward investors a bespoke service, tailoring support to the requirements of the client, whether they are making their first business inquiry and need to understand the UK landscape, or looking to connect with professional services, R&D opportunities, and supply chain partners


All Party Pharmacy Council

Association of Medical Research Charities

Association of Pharmaceutical Specials Manufacturers

Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry

British Infection Association

Cambridge Networks

General Pharmaceutical Council

National Pharmacy Association

Office for Life Science

Scottish Lifesciences Association

United Kingdom Clinical Pharmacy Association








Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns
Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns
Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns

Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns

Diplomatic Office

Tel: 07542 923461

Tel: 0207 1275248






