Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns

Diplomatic Office  Apps, Business with Applications for iPad and Mobile phon, video podcasts


Apps for ipod, iphone, QR code, mobile phone websites, web television online, video podcasts for mobile phone, iBook, e-mazagazin, e-news
Apps for ipod, iphone, QR code, mobile phone websites, web television online, video podcasts for mobile phone, iBook, e-mazagazin, e-news
Apps for ipod, iphone, QR code, mobile phone websites, web television online, video podcasts for mobile phone, iBook, e-mazagazin, e-news

Diplomatic List

King Charles III


Diplomatic TV


Luxury and Lifestyle
















In order to increase productivity and remain competitive in the global economy, businesses need to invest in R&D; in the UK much of this activity is funded through foreign investment. The UK's lead position in R&D is reflected in the 345 inward investment projects reported as containing an R&D element in 2014/15, an 11% increase on 2013/14.

The UK Government has promoted and secured 34 R&D collaboration and partnerships between UK-based research centers or organisations and foreign investors. These collaborations are often a precursor to major FDI investment, paving the way for long-term relationships

Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)

Council – Science & Research

British Science Association

Department for Business Innovation & Skills

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs

Ministry of Defence

European Space Agency

Medical Research Council


Research Councils UK

Tech UK

UK Research Office

UK Space Agency







Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns
Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns
Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns

Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns

Diplomatic Office

Tel: 07542 923461

Tel: 0207 1275248






